employee benefit

Kategoria: Benefits, Benefits for employees

Health of the Employees - not only well-being and impeccable condition

It is impossible not to pay attention to the relationship between the mental condition of employees and their productivity. However, it is important to understand that this workplace can also affect our health.

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Kategoria: Benefits, Benefits for employees

Non-wage benefits checked by employees!

The benefits cafeteria is a place with a thousand possibilities. We checked at source how Cafeteria users benefit!

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Kategoria: Benefits, Benefits for employees

History of non-wage benefits in Poland and in the world

Today's non-wage benefits almost do not resemble the first, granted to employees in the nineteenth century ...

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Kategoria: News

Benefits for employees on a business trip

Why are employees often traveling for business so often overlooked in terms of benefits? Work – life balance is especially important for them!

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Kategoria: Benefits for employees, Employer Branding

Cultural benefit - what is it?

Cultural events are one of those ways of spending time that we value the most. How to suit each employee? What should cultural benefit be like?

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Kategoria: Benefits for employees, Motivation and Commitment

The sports card is a proven way for employees' health

Physical exercises have a beneficial effect on health and well-being, unload emotions and counteract depression. All thanks to one sports card!

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Kategoria: Benefits for employees, Motivation and Commitment, News

Turn 26 days of vacation into many days of effective rest

Effective and full of attractions rest will be long remembered by our employees. It will also be one of the most appreciated benefits!

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Kategoria: Benefits, Benefits for employees

Money or experience? What will your employees be happier about?

Benefits for employees - an amazing experience in an amusement park, good fun in the theater, a dream vacation or just shopping in a grocery store?

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