TravelPass vouchers
The eTravelPass is an electronic voucher that allows your Employees to pay for their stay at different tourist resorts in the same way as if they paid with cash. Employees can use it for weekend trips, city breaks, seaside holidays or winter holidays throughout Poland! They do not have to know a specific date and place of departure – they will rest where they want and at any time they choose.
The eTravelPass is a bearer document.
Give an eTravelPass to your Employees and support their holiday budget to relax in a beautiful place!

MultiBilet codes and coupons
MultiBilet is a universal bearer cinema ticket, which can be implemented for any chosen movie, from a repertoire of up to 200 Check out the full offer and order your vouchers >>
cinemas in Poland. Thanks to the diversity of the offer and long expiry dates, MultiBilet will be perfect as a benefit for your employees, ideally suited to their needs and capabilities.
MultiBilet can be used for 2D and 3D screenings, in the cinemas of Multikino, Cinema City, Helios, Cinema 3D and many local, smaller cinemas. The ticket can have an electronic form (alphanumeric code, given directly at the cinema) or a classic paper coupon, which you will hand in on a special occasion.
MultiTeatr Vouchers
If your employees appreciate high culture, invite them to the theater! Fortunately, you do not have to guess what kind of art will be the most interesting for them – MultiTeatr vouchers can be implemented for performances from the repertoire of dozens of theaters, operas and operettas in Poland. When choosing the title, the owner of the voucher will decide when to realize it and choose the best place in the audience.
Check out the current offer of performances and order your MultiTeatr >>

MultiMuzeum vouchers
MultiMuzeum is a unique program on the Polish market that will allow your employees to visit the most interesting museums and exhibitions in Poland, taking into account the individual preferences and needs of each museum lover who decides where, when and what exhibition to choose. The cultural offer is available in a convenient way: via the website or directly at the box office of the facility cooperating with the program.
Check where the MultiMuzeum is valid and order your voucher >>
Several BenefitLunch variants
Thanks to BenefitLunch you can order lunch with delivery to the office, take-away or eat in the premises. Pay your employees a monthly subscription for meals, or let them use individual codes and coupons – when they need them. They will be able to eat in many of our restaurants

Get to know the offer – fill out the form
We will contact you and help you adjust the offer to the needs of your company