Basia - jak sama twierdzi - niczego się nie boi! Dziennikarskie wykształcenie pomaga jej pisać teksty i rozmawiać z ludźmi na każdy temat. Nie lubi długo siedzieć za biurkiem, dlatego w MyBenefit odwiedza Użytkowników Kafeterii i z wielką pasją opowiada im o benefitach. Uważa, że kluczem do sukcesu jest wiara w to, co robimy. Uwielbia podróże – zarówno bliskie, jak i dalekie, ale jej największą pasją jest język chiński – uczy się go już od kilku lat i nic co chińskie nie jest jej obce.
Non-wage benefits checked by employees!
The benefits cafeteria is a place with a thousand possibilities. We checked at source how Cafeteria users benefit!
czytaj dalejKategoria:
Bleisure: a journey full of benefits
Who among us does not like travel? We have our dreams, and each of them is to give us pleasure and satisfaction. Modern reality gives us a lot of great opportunities to combine business and private travel into one!
czytaj dalejKategoria:
History of non-wage benefits in Poland and in the world
Today's non-wage benefits almost do not resemble the first, granted to employees in the nineteenth century ...
czytaj dalejKategoria:
Is it worth knowing employees’ opinion about benefits? Satisfaction survey and evaluation of the benefit program.
Without knowledge about preferences and needs, we will not match the right benefits for our people, so it's worth conducting employee opinion surveys!
czytaj dalejKategoria:
Benefit for the holidays of your employees
Many companies opt for holiday benefits for their employees or their children. What form of funding should be chosen so that it is convenient for both parties?
czytaj dalejKategoria:
Motivation system for employees from Ukraine
Increasingly, Polish entrepreneurs declare that they are willing to employ eastern citizens. Is there sense to include their company incentive system?
czytaj dalejKategoria:
Cultural diversity in the organization – extra trouble or extra benefit?
Good management can make multicultural organization a huge advantage, which in itself will be a benefit for employees.
czytaj dalejKategoria:
How to reduce the effects of stress at work?
Instead of avoiding the topic of stress at work, learn more about its causes and how to neutralize its effects!
czytaj dalejKategoria:
Turn market trends into modern non-wage benefits!
We are very different, and each of us has our favorite non-wage benefits! We are looking for new impressions, which is why we choose and test all benefits on ourselves.
Prepaid card – what do you need to know about it?
A prepaid card - safe, practical and convenient to use - will work in many circumstances of everyday life, not just professional!
czytaj dalejKategoria:
5 proven ways to motivate employees … who have everything.
The motivation of employees who "have everything" is a huge challenge ... Meet the 5 free benefits that will help you engage people!
czytaj dalejKategoria:
Turn 26 days of vacation into many days of effective rest
Effective and full of attractions rest will be long remembered by our employees. It will also be one of the most appreciated benefits!
czytaj dalejKategoria:
Is the Company Social Fund (ZFŚS) just a superfluous relic of the PRL times?
Is the Company Social Benefits Fund just an unnecessary relic of the times of the Polish People's Republic or can it be a great asset in the hands of the Employer?
czytaj dalejKategoria:
Employer branding – fashion or an effective tool?
The employer's brand speaks about the company's image on the outside as well as the internal sphere - that is, the company's employees. Employer branding is addressed to all people who, having contact with the company, have a chance to form an opinion on it, but primarily to build the company's image as an attractive workplace.
czytaj dalejKategoria:
Production staff motivation
Motivation on production is a huge challenge - in order to meet it, companies should obtain solutions that will help maintain employee satisfaction.
czytaj dalejKategoria:
Money or experience? What will your employees be happier about?
Benefits for employees - an amazing experience in an amusement park, good fun in the theater, a dream vacation or just shopping in a grocery store?
czytaj dalejKategoria:
TravelPass travel vouchers – an ideal gift for employees
Travel vouchers will be an excellent reward for employees - not only for those who dream of traveling!
czytaj dalejKategoria:
Gift card – additional cash or an unusual benefit?
Gift card - will it be a good gift for employees?
czytaj dalejKategoria:
Employee motivation – what trends in benefits for 2019?
Check the most popular trends in benefits for 2019! what it will be - sport card, insurance, healthcare, extra money for meals at work?
czytaj dalejKategoria:
Non-wage benefits – how to effectively motivate employees?
Modern employee motivation systems are complex activities - the work of managers, planning and management, as well as the use of available tools.
czytaj dalejKategoria:
Benefit program – who gains the most?
Benefit programs offer comfort for the Employee and more facilities for the Employer - all benefits in one place, accounting for reports and more...
czytaj dalejKategoria:
One successful trip – many benefits!
Not only the wild tribes in Madagascar can show us what the life and culture of other people looks like. One successful trip - many benefits!
czytaj dalejKategoria:
How to convert benefit into motivation?
Motivation has been a key word in recent years. We put personal development first, and the motivational trend accompanies us at every step.
czytaj dalejKategoria:
Idea for a weekend – Polish city break
A weekend spent in a city other than your own, good company and great fun is a great idea to recharge your batteries before the upcoming week.
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