Agata Żmudzińska - Ekspert ds. Popularyzacji Benefitów i Kierownik Działu Marketingu w MyBenefit. Z tematem świadczeń pozapłacowych związana o 7 lat. Z zamiłowania organizator czasu wolnego swojego i innych, w samotności czasem biega i gotuje. Miłośniczka dobrych zdjęć, ciekawych tekstów i mediów społecznościowych. Uwielbia pisać i zadawać trudne pytania, wierzy, że chcieć to móc!
Gifts for employees
Gifts for employees are a great way to appreciate their commitment and thank you for the past year of successful cooperation! What gifts to choose?
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Survey of satisfaction with benefits – what questions to ask? Model employee survey
What questions to ask employees in the survey about benefits? A lot depends on what we want to know. We have prepared a ready employee survey template for non-wage benefits!
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How to conduct a staff survey? Survey of satisfaction with benefits
The employee survey is a great way to examine the opinion and level of satisfaction with benefits that an employer offers. How to carry it out well?
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A cafeteria system of remuneration and coffee at work. What do they have in common?
The cafeteria pay system has nothing to do with coffee. For that, well-run will be a great tool in the hands of the employer!
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Benefits for employees’ children – the most interesting proposals for children’s day!
The King of Plastic and Queen of Foil are plotting to gain power over the world on the Wrocław ATM Stage, and we are now offering the most interesting benefits for employees' children.
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Benefits at work support motivation … is this a myth?!
Benefits at work are the standard of many companies in Poland today, and employees often treat them as a matter of course. How to make good use of benefits in motivation?
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Cinema – a benefit for every occasion!
Cinema is an ideal benefit for both employer and employee! A well-prepared cinema program will easily adapt the cinema tickets to the needs of the recipient.
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Benefits for employees – which are the most popular?
What exactly are benefits? How do they work and who can get them? What benefits for employees are the most popular in Poland?
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Co-financed Holidays “under the pear tree” 2.0
Holidays under the pear tree, as Poles call them, is still a very popular form of spending funds from the Company Social Benefits Fund in Poland.
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Take care about work-life balance
It is much nicer to work in a place where we can expect understanding and where our needs and diversity are respected.
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What about movie tickets?
Companies are increasingly offering their employees gym passes, additional life insurance or a private health care package. And what about cultural benefits? Is it worth investing in financing cinema and theater tickets for employees?
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We’ve been with you for 10 years!
235,000 employees of companies in Poland use the MyBenefit Cafeteria on a daily basis.
2,000 Partners deliver the best benefits for them every day.